Welcome to TheBigBasicQ's HomePage
You can download Future Library v3.5 here!
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Today (25th December): Surprised? No, you haven't reached this place in error. Cody's servers are gonna be down up to 2th January. So we will resume the forums only after that. I haven't paid much attention to this site =(. I want to keep it alive but I don't have the time. I am just itching to get some free time so I can get my hand on some php. I want to make this site as slick as possible =).
9th September: Hmm... I haven't had much time lately. DAM-OS is on halt. Almost all my projects are on halt. Though I am adding a tutorial on future library, it really isn't too much. I hope to add to the tutorial and resume DAM-OS soon. Though it will be at least 1 or 2 months before I can do any serious development. The major set back I have had in *years* is that my friend is gone far away for studies(4 years) :*(
16th July: A new look for my website! After many people complained that my website's background *sucks* I finally decided to change it! I have changed the theme of my website. This is a cool new look with a cool font with more contrast!
12th July: Wow! I was away for more than a month. Well I have some great news. My OS has got a new scripting language made by my friend ZAP. His website is magicalme.5u.com. I have added a tutorial about using Future Library! You can see it here.
Also some of you may not be able to view this website correctly that is because you may not have Albertus Extra Bold True Type Font. You can download it here. Copy this file to your C:\Windows\Fonts\ folder.
7th June: Sorry for the delay in posting some news. I was really busy. I got my results. Guess what I got great grades in all subjects! Average is 83.5% Well I have uploaded 2 screen shots. 1 shows a calculator running through my script + some apps. 2 shows my file selector! click here to see the screen shots
22nd May: Added a great navigator to my site. Uploaded 12 files! Added a downloads section. Though I am looking out for a new forum.
20th May: The event handler is working great! I have added another screen shot. I have been busy so I won't be able to release a preview version very soon. But I will be putting up my OS on SIA tech's website. Click here to see my new screen shot.
I added events to my interpreter! Now it can sense a click event when any
object is clicked and executes the appropriate instructions from the
program! I am planning to release a preview version real soon (in about
2/3 days).
I created a forum! Check it out! I have completed the work on the GUI part
of my OS! It now has Command Buttons, Check Boxes, Option Buttons, Text
Boxes! Forum
15th May: Whew! I am finding it difficult to make an OS! This is no joke! You have to really face many restrictions and problems. Though I have gotten around many some still are bothering me! If you have any idea how to make use of Future Lib's MoveToXMS, MoveFromXMS routines please e-mail me. They don't seem to work on my comp! Here is the link:www.basix.8m.net/my_screenshots.htm
12th May: Wow! My OS is coming great! I have added a screen-shot. It just display some windows. I have loaded 3 apps at a time and all of them are being processed simultaneously! This is just the kernel(GUI + Interpreter + system services). I will be shortly posting some .EXEs to show how it works! Here is the link: www.basix.8m.net/my_screenshots.htm
9th May: I worked on my interpreter. I added one more file in 'my files' sections. Though it is not one of my progs. It is a great multi-tasking interpreter made by my friend Zap.
6th May: Didn't do much but work on this web page. I am trying to get all sections online as soon as possible please bear with me. Mean while I am working on my OS. Pretty much finished the GUI and now I will be starting with the interpreter.